Ah, the summer is upon us. It's been a while since I've done anything, I think the last post I did was in regards to the dream for 100 hours of prayer. It's amazing to witness the response, and to know that there are so many people who long for William and Mary to be revived. No worries, the dream is still alive (very much so), but I'm still praying for direction in regards to how it will take shape. I really wanted it to take place in a single place, but it seems like that might not happen. MIGHT. I'm not entirely sure, there's still a lot of time for details to come together, but I've been praying about it recently, and I'll be putting something out in order to get the process started. So keep your eyes open for that.
Anyways, I was thinking about it, and another challenge of a sort popped into my head. Incidentally it also was time-based. What came to my mind was 24 hours of Glorifying God. This isn't exactly a communal effort (well it could be), but instead a personal one.