Friday, January 31, 2014

Pre-Arrival and Arrival

I’d like to preface this blog with the fact that I am doing the first several weeks (about the first month) after the events have happened, so I am bound to forget things that I may put in later. I don’t know how I will go about doing this; I just pray that God will help me remember most things. Additionally, I will be splitting the first couple of weeks into separate entries to try to help prod my memory. So no promises that they will all come out relatively around the same time. Absolutely none. Another note, this blog will talk a lot about my walk with God. Now a lot of you are probably rolling your eyes thinking, "Oh boy, Tim's gone off the deep end and lost his marbles." However I challenge you to read through my experience with an open mind, and take what I have to say as truth. I have thought about Christianity for days upon days upon weeks upon months, and