Monday, March 30, 2015

Getting back on track... (part 1)

I'll start this off by apologizing for not posting recently. It's been a strange series of weeks, including spring break, a broken computer, and an ultimate frisbee tournament.

So, with that out of the way, what has God been doing in my life? Answer: A whole lot! I'll start out with a few weeks ago during spring break. During that time, God really revealed to me the importance/uniqueness of college campuses. College is the only place where people from all over the world come together for a 'relatively' short amount of time (also during the 'formative years'), and go back out into the world. I felt like God was saying that the College of William and Mary will not be just a lamp shining into the darkness, but a torch shining from the top of a mountain- drawing people near, and sending lights into the world. Here is where I think I might've started to wander off-track a bit.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Spring is coming

While there's still snow on the ground here, supposedly the weather will warm up soon (if the science of meteorology can be trusted at all). Super excited about that, mainly because I really want to play ultimate frisbee again. More importantly though, Easter comes with the season of spring.

Today, the pastor of the church I go to spoke about John 2:1-11. This passage is about the first miracle Jesus did at the wedding at Cana. The pastor talked about how using the water jars (specifically designated for Jewish rites of purification) was not so much symbolic of forgiveness, but of sanctification. As this was the first Sunday of the month, we also partook in communion. Because of this, I was thinking about the relationship between this 'holy wine' that was Jesus' first miracle, and the wine that Jesus and his disciples drank at the Last Supper.