Sunday, August 2, 2015

It's the Final... part to the challenge!

It's the final part to the challenge! BTW, I thought of a solution to the fact that I don't know enough bloggers to nominate three bloggers a day (thanks Brianna Meeks of A Cool Glass of Lemonade)- if you're reading this, and blog, then CONSIDER YOURSELF CHALLENGED. DO IT.

Anyways, this quote if from Richard Foster's Celebration of Discipline

"The moment we feel we can succeed and attain victory over sin by the strength of our will alone is the moment we are worshiping the will"
-Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline

For me, it is a daily struggle to battle against worshiping the will. I just need to do more of this, think more about this, or fight harder in order to conquer sin. The truth is, we cannot conquer sin. Nothing we can do will destroy sin in our lives. It's only by the redemptive work of the cross that sin is defeated.

So, how is it possible to... reduce the amount of sin in one's life? Well, there's this fancy process called, "sanctification". It's the process of becoming more holy, which is solely the work of God. I believe that God continues this work the closer we draw to Him.

God is often described as being so holy, that He cannot stand the sight of sin (hence why we needed the work of the cross). I think this is a two-way street, sin cannot stand to be in the presence of God. So then (assuming that my logic is correct), we must draw closer to God in order to be sanctified.

Here, my thinking is becoming more and more affected by John Piper's Desiring God. In it, he describes a sort of theology that he calls "Christian Hedonism". Note that this is not the belief that we can be "Christian" and do whatever we "want" to do, but about doing what we truly want to do and enjoy God fully. I believe that we are called to enjoy God to the fullest, and we will glorify God in the process of finding true joy in our Creator.

I mean, we (Christians) often describe heaven as a place where you get to live forever, prance along golden streets, and stroll through the pearly gates. While this is all great, the life on the other side will be great BECAUSE we will be with our awesome Lord and Savior who loves us more than we will ever be able to fathom.

Well, that's the A Quote a Day for Three Days Challenge. I rather enjoyed this, so there will probably be more of me posting quotes, and rambling about them. So, there's that to look forward to. Or if you didn't enjoy it, then you don't have that to look forward to. If you're a part of the latter, thanks for sticking with it this far. Here are some brownie points.

Thanks for reading!

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